control's(P<0.01).ThePTandINRvaluesalsoshowedclinicallysignificantdifferencesbetweenthepatients withandwithouttakingmedicine(P<0.01).However,thedifferencesinAPTTandFIBvalueswerenotsignifi cant(P>0.05).Conclusions:Thecoagulationstateinthecerebralthrombosisvariedsignificantly.Itmaybe ...
the normal subjects were measured as control.Results:The PT and I NR values in the cerebral thr ombosis showed clinically significant differences compar ed with the healthy control's(P<0.01).The PT and I NR values also showed clinically significant differ ences between the patients with and ...
( O. 86— 1. 15) ,INR 1. O1 ( O. 83— 1. 19) ,F IB 3. 07 g/ L ( 2. O6— 4. 47) ( ag e> 60 y ear) . C onclusion T he ref erence values of instru— m en tal an d h and m ad e meth o ds ar e con sisten t.D ifferen t inst ru m en ts and d ...
The Preliminary Establishment of Plasma PT,INR,APTT,and FIB Reference Values for Minor Population CHI Lin,LI Shuang,SHANG Xinrong,LIU Xiangyi (Department of Clinical Laboratory,Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,Beijng100730,China)Abstract:Objective To establish a reference ...
The INR is a calculation that adjusts for changes in the PT reagents and allows for results from different laboratories to be compared. Most laboratories report both PT and INR values whenever a PT test is performed. The INR should be only applicable, however, for those taking the blood-thin...
Guidelines on preparation, certification, and use of certified plasmas for ISI calibration and INR determination Summary. Reliable international normalized ratio (INR) determination depends on accurate values for international sensitivity index (ISI) and mean normal ... A. M. H. P. Van Den Besselaa...
Methods Prothrombin time(PT),international normalized ratio(INR),activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) and fibrinogen(FIB) concentration of 56 patients in AP group and normal control(NC) group were detected by full automatic blood coagulation analyzer. 方法用全自动血凝分析仪,检测AP组和正常对照...
PT and INR values. The blood sample from normal patient showed shorter PTLSRvalue (12 s) in comparison to the blood sample from the patient on Coumadin therapy (51 s). The corresponding PTLabvalues obtained from standard laboratory testing were 14 s and 43 s for the normal and ...
These reports resulted from the testing of Alere INRatio2 PT/INR Professional Test Strips, which found INR values 3.1鈥 12.2 units lower than those measured by a plasma-based laboratory INR test. As the cause of this discrepancy has yet to be determined, healthcare professionals and consumers ...
The INR values for each of the plasma’s results from the certifying centres were averaged and were taken as the certified INR. PT/INR Line correction Study 1 Five calibrant plasmas from the set of 20 were selected, giving a spread of INRs over the therapeutic range to provide the PT/INR...