ThereferencerangeshouldbeestablishedwhentheAPTTandPTweremeasuredby differentautomaticinstrumentofcoagulation,inordertoprovidereliableresultsfor doctors. 【Keywords】APTT;PT;Comparability;STAGOCompact;SYSMEXCA550 凝血项0属于检验科临检检查项0之-,为手术前必查项0、血栓前检查项0及 ...
The reference range should be established when the APTT and PT were measured by different automatic instrument of coagulation, in order to provide reliable results for doctors. 【Key words】APTT; PT; Comparability; STAGO Compact; SYSMEX CA550 凝血项目属于检验科临检检查项目之一,为手术前必查项目、...
PT was ncreased from 14.14 ± 0.512 to 14.4 ± 1.18 seconds in control and patients respectively. APTT was increased from 25.95 ± 3.09 in control to 27.06 ± 3.92 seconds in diabetic patients. On the other hand, according to disease duration, PT of patients was within normal range, but ...
AC GENERATOR LOAD (%)Normal Operation Range...0 to 100 A. 0-100 B. 101-150 C. 0-150 D. 0-200 查看完整题目与答案 旋翼刹车可在什么条件下使用? A. 地面且双发关车 B. 地面任何发动机状态 C. 大风启动情况下 D. 单发运转应急情况下 查看完整题目与答案 哪个不是APU 60 的...
the method did improve the blood compatibility and the APPT values are within the normal range. ...
Leptospira interferes with aPTT and PT of normal human plasma.Mônica L., VieiraClément, NaudinMatthias, MörgelinEliete, C. RomeroAna, Lucia T. O. NascimentoHeiko, Herwald
The 60 patient samples analyzed in this study had a large range of PTLab/INRLabvalues, from 12.6 s/1.0 to 115.4 s/14.1, with a mean of 33.9 s/3.3 and a median of 35.1 s/3.4. For reference, the diagnostic normal range of the laboratory PT/INR is 11.0 s/0.9 to...
In cases in which there is an isolated prolongation of the PT and the remainder of the screening tests (APTT, TT and Fibrinogen) are normal - the next most logical test is a Factor VII assay. Factor VII deficiency is rare and it is more common to find a prolonged PT in combination wit...
Methods Preparation of nanoporous Pt-Y ing the corresponding pure metals Pt, and Pt. Y, and Al (9P9t.195Y9%5A)la80rgaonnd aPttm20Aoslp80haelrloe yreinpgeoattesdwlye.rTe hpereipnagroetds by arc melt- were subse- quently grounded to fine powders by a mortar. Nanoporous Pt-Y (NP...
aPTT critical value 2 Direct COOMBS test normal result 3 pt on heparin 4 Beta 2 microglobulin 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(68) definitive test for abnormal Hgb Hgb electrophoresis sickle cellthalassemia Sickle cell screen deoxygenating agent addedPositive if > 25% of blood sickles - HgbSnot def...