PT Margautama Nusantara aims to accelerate development and improve operation of toll roads and provides positive contributions to all its stakeholders, i.e. shareholders, government, toll road users and general public. As one of the leading private road infrastructure companies in Indonesia, PT Marga...
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (NCU) invest, operate and grow companies in Indonesia. We focus on basic necessity products and services that either can be scaled locally or exported with a preference to exportable goods. NCU and its team take majority ownership of companies to turnaround and scale ...
PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk (TOBA)'s current business lines cover power, mining, and plantation. In the mining segment, the company is engaged in the coal mining business through three subsidiaries: PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, PT Indomining, and PT Trisensa Mineral Utama, altogether has a ...
Pamapersada Nusantara mengadakan Media Gatheringdi area Kalimantan Timur. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 2 hari (4 - 5 September 2023) di Four Points Hotel, Balikpapan. Tujuan dari adanya mediagathering yaitu untuk membangun hubungan harmonis antara media dengan perusahaan. Media yang turut ambil bag...
Utama (Kalianta 1) Padasa Enam Utama (Kalianta 2) Padasa Enam Utama (T. Dalam) Pangkalan Baru Indah Peputra Masterindo Perda Perkebunan Sumatera Utara Perkebunan Milano (Pinang Awan) Perkebunan Nusantara III* Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Sosa) Perkebunan Nusantara V* Persada Agro Sawita Riau Kampa...
and Others. The Company focuses on developing clean and renewable energy. Its subsidiaries include PT Toba Bumi Energi, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, PT Trisensa Mineral Utama, PT Perkebunan Kaltim Utama I, PT Toba Bara Energi, PT Gorontalo Listrik Perdana, PT Energi Baru TBS, and PT Solusi...
Utama Pinang Witmas Sejati Smart Tbk Putra Bangka Mandiri Austindo Nusantara Jaya Smart Tbk Smart Tbk Sawit Mulia Sampoerna Agro Sentosa Mulia Bahagia Perdana S Gozco Plantations Swadaya Indopalma Wilmar International Sampoerna Agro Sungai Budi Wana Potensi Guna Palm Oil Mill Aek Tarum (Belida Mil...
Resources Alam Indonesia’s net profit grew 9.2% in the first half August 7, 2024 Purchasing 260 million shares; Okansa Fuji Shosha now owns 20% of Fuji Finance (FUJI) July 9, 2024 BNP Paribas Singapore sold 569 million Jaya Real Property (JRPT) shares June 14, 2024 Sinar Nusantara acqu...
Subsidiaries (continued) 2) Acquisition and Disposal of Subsidiaries On October 2, 2013, CS and PT Wahana Nusantara (WN), third party, acquired 100% ownership in CKU through a purchase of the share ownership from PT Ciputra Internasional and PT Gemaiindah Intikarya (GIIK), related parties, ...
(Reswara). The services segment is engaged in providing electricity solutions, integrated logistics and engineering development services. The segment is operated by the Company’s three subsidiaries, PT Cipta Krida Bahari, PT Sanggar Sarana Baja and PT Anzara Janitra Nusantara. The manufacturing ...