Psyllium Husk Available forms, composition and doses of Ispagel: Powder; Oral; Psyllium Husk 3.5 g Medical categories: Human: Cathartics and laxatives Laxatives, purgatives Supplements and adjuvant therapy Indications and usages, anatomical therapeutic chemical and diseases classification codes: ...
Reports that the Life Sciences Resource Office of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) convened a panel to conduct a scientific assessment of psyllium seed husk, a source of dietary fiber used in ready-to-eat cereals. Safe level of consumption; Cost of the ...
White bread contains a high proportion of easily digestible starch, which contributes to an undesirable rapid increase in blood glucose concentration. This study investigated the effects of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) -xanthan gum, lambda-carrageenan and psyllium husk on the physical functionality and...