it can have a gelatinous, slightly gritty texture when mixed with water that some people find hard to tolerate. Her favorite brands: Organic India Psyllium Whole Husk Fiber ($17.99,Amazon) and Himalaya Organic Psyllium
Pyllium husk, however, forms a gel that is stable only up to temperatures of about 176ºF (80ºC) (1), depending on the amount used in the recipe. So while psyllium husk is very useful for holding in the carbon dioxide based gas bubbles during proofing, once you put the bread ...
on the nutriceuticals of psyllium husk in cardiovascular disease. The study reported that psyllium husk is a soluble gel-forming fiber that binds to the bile acids in the gut and has preventive effects of reabsorption, similar to
Psyllium husk powder, a fiber rich ingredient derived from a plant, can be used in place of gluten to make keto-friendly breads, pastries.