在使用psycopg2的execute_batch方法时,如果没有提高速度,可能有以下几个原因: 数据量过大:execute_batch方法适用于批量执行SQL语句,但如果数据量过大,仍然会导致执行时间较长。可以考虑分批处理数据,将数据分成多个小批次进行执行。 数据库连接问题:执行批量操作时,数据库连接的性能也会影响执行速度。确保数据库连接的稳...
psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(cur, sql, argslist, page_size=100)批量执行一个数据库操作,执行的SQL和 executemany 相同,只是单个数据包发送时会发送一批SQL,数量由page_size决定。这样可以减少和服务端的通信次数 execute_batch()也可以和预处理语句(PREPARE, EXECUTE, DEALLOCATE)一起使用。extras.execute_batch...
execute_batch接口区别于executemany的是,在发送给后端的单个请求包里的数据会一次性提交一批的SQL,这样可以减少和服务器之间通信的往返次数 prepare+execute_batch prepare可以提前在数据库里面创建一个预备语句对象,在执行 prepare 语句的时候,指定的SQL已经经了解析、分析...
psycopg2.extras.execute_values(cur, sql, argslist, template=None, page_size=100, fetch=False)将参数和SQL封装为一条SQL执行,单条SQL中参数的个数由 page_size 决定。 性能对比 INSERT 测试数据 rowsexecutemanyexecute_batchprepare+execute_batchexecute_values10,0009.7820.7070.5010.26650,00052.9793.1232.6371.22...
Hello, I have to run many SELECT statements on my postgres/postgis DB. I would like to use some batch functionalities as the one in the title, but i discovered that they return only the result of the last query. Is there a way to receive...
After running either execute_batch() or execute_values() cursor.rowcount has the value of the number of rows affected by the last internal (to the function) operation, not the total actually performed by the function. The program below illustrates: it reports row counts of 2 and 1. I woul...
append(next(it)) yield page page = [] except StopIteration: if page: yield page return def execute_batch(cur, sql, argslist, page_size=100): r"""Execute groups of statements in fewer server roundtrips. Execute *sql* several times, against all parameters set (sequences or mappings) ...