国外的焓湿图展示-ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 热度: 市场营销管理(第13版)中文讲义 营销管理基础 热度: 4. PsychrometricChart 授課時間:1week CompositionofHumidAir(濕空氣) DryAir(乾空氣) and WaterVapor(水蒸氣) T W 25 0 C,50%相對濕度 其W=0.01kgH ...
Psychrometric Chart 中文讲义.pdf,4. Psychrometric Chart : 1 week Composition of Humid Air () Dry Air () and Water Vapor () 0 25 C, 50%度 W W = 0.01 kg H O/kg dry air 2 T 0 25 C, 50%度 W = 0.01 kg H O/kg dry air 2 Humidity Ratio(度, W) 度= W = ms
4.Psychrometric Chart授課時間: 1 week 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 34 p. 【精品】英语 38 p. 【精品】传热学9-2 15 p. 【精品】实验内容及要求 41 p. 【精品】统计学第3章参数估计(用) 10 p. 【精品】课堂教学评价的过程与方法 145 p. 【精品】温州高支模讲课2008 35 p. ...
(or Specific Humidity) GRAMS OF MOISTURE PER KILOGRAM OF DRY AIR2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0VAPOR PRESSURE - MM OF MERCURY-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30DEW POINT TEMPERATURE - °CChart by: HANDS DOWN SOFTWARE, www.handsdownsoftware....
The Mollier diagram and the Psychrometric Chart(莫利尔图和湿度图).pdf,The Mollier diagram and the Psychrometric Chart If you think that the slightly skew edges of your Mollier or Psychrometric diagram are the result of multiple passes of the image thro
Carrier produced the first chart, and developments from 1904 to 2004. Definition of psychrometrics as a subscience of physics dealing with moist air; Description of a psychrometric chart; Nine most common psychrometric properties, such as humidity ratio, water vapor pressure, barometric pressure and...
国外的焓湿图展示‐ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 本人原创,转载请注明出处 欢迎评论 ——暖通浩浩 老外用的焓湿图,在国内比较冷门,我们可以拿来借鉴一下。对这方面有兴 趣的同行可以发邮件来和我交流,如果人比较多我可以考虑写个教程和大家一起 交流。
Calculated Process Changes: All psychrometric process changes between the points. Users with the "Complete Plan", cansave up to 15 Projectsand the chart, input fields and the results can be downloaded as anPDF-exportas well. Download ExamplePDF Export STARTPsychrometric Chart Pricing...
Psychrometric Chart 中文讲义
In addition, it includes a spreadsheet file with this same information and a PDF attachment of the chart, itself. Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) Line The app allows you to display a sensible heat ratio (SHR) line so you can plot process points along it. The angle of the sensible heat ...