心身反应(Psychosomaticreaction):指机体处于应激状态下出现的一系列短暂的生理反应心身障碍(Psychosomaticdisorders):当机体处于持久而强烈的应激状态下,机体适应困难而出现了植物神经、内分泌功能紊乱,但无相应的阳性体征,实验室检查正常,属于可逆性功能变化。狭义心身疾病心身关系分类(旧)心身疾病的特点 1、以躯体症状...
Family psychiatric history predicted a lower remission of depression Higher level of education predicted persistence of depressive disorder A lower educational level predicted persistence of depressive disorder. A higher educational level also predicted persistence of somatoform disorders Higher education has bee...
disordersriskfactorsEpidemiologic studies on the health effects of the Chernobyl disaster have focused largely on physical health, whereas the psychological consequences have received little attention. The authors have assessed the associations of various exposure variables with mental and psychosomatic distress...