Support was also found for the additive active learning hypotheses: jobs combining high demands and high control produced the highest levels of personal accomplishment. The study supports job redesign interventions for improving worker well-being and productivity.doi:10.1348/096317900167182...
questionnaires to identify an instrument which was firstly sensitive enough to measure stress and strain, secondly addressed the demands and other workplace factors faced by this specific group and thirdly allowed a comparison of works councils both to employees working in similar jobs and employees ...
coworker support IRT: item response theory DA: decision authority DL: decision latitude JCQ: job content questionnaire PA: parallel analysis PCA: principle component analysis PD: psychological job demand SD: skill discretion SS: supervisor support VBA: visual basic for application ...
Losing jobs leaves these individuals unable to make both ends meet and this sudden misfortune of income poverty adds to their guilt, frustration, depression and mental anguish, ultimately leading to functional impairment and increased rates of suicide [89]. Prisons are the epicenters of infectious ...
Moreover, the psychologist and social worker had weekly supervision by the mental health manager to ensure fidelity, adjustment, and safety when implementing [33]. All staff members had previous experience conducting CB-PSS services with the ACOPLE project in Quibdó. Three groups in each modality ...
According to a social- interactionist perspective (Felson, 1992; Neuman & Baron, 2003), individuals in stressful work environments may become targets of bullying because stres- sors in their jobs make them react in ways which may encourage others to engage in destructive behaviour towards them. ...
In higher PSC contexts, managers are concerned for employees’ health and well-being and consequently design jobs that have manageable demands and adequate resources [25,26]. In work contexts where managers give priority to psychological health, they are concerned about worker well-being and ensure...
(i.e., demands, control, and support) and work–life conflicts in the relationship between precarious employment and chronic stress as measured through the production of steroid hormones (both adrenal and gonadal) for men and women separately. Cross-sectional data were derived from a sample of ...
the study examined the objective and subjective outcomes of IPS in terms of social inclusion by critically reviewing the research literature. A little over half of IPS users are likely to obtain competitive jobs; work, on average, for less than 6 months; and earn less than $5000 per year ov...
questionnaires to identify an instrument which was firstly sensitive enough to measure stress and strain, secondly addressed the demands and other workplace factors faced by this specific group and thirdly allowed a comparison of works councils both to employees working in similar jobs and employees ...