Diagnosis of PP is difficult due to the lack of specific tools and objective tests to diagnose it. Screening for postpartum psychiatric disorders uses the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ), but these tools do not directly address PP, they onl...
DRUG therapy for schizophreniaTRANQUILIZING drugsANTIPSYCHOTIC agentsALCOHOLISMMENTAL depressionEMPLOYMENTHOSPITAL careRESEARCH methodologyObjective: to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients treated at a Psychosocial Care Center. Method: this is a quantitative, c...
Social psychologists note that the experiences of social judgment, affect, and behavior for both the observer and the person observed (with SCI) are similar to experiences had 60 years ago [15]. Ableism is disability-based discrimination that results from conceptualizing able-bodied people as “...
(alcohol and drug use). A nationwide survey included 593 postpartum mothers (within 12 months from birth). Participants were assessed for a provisional diagnosis of MDD, and provided responses on validated instruments measuring stress, intimate partner violence, suicidal ideation, generalized anxiety, ...