2022, and soon followed by Western Australia in December that same year. There have been numerous Codes of Practice implemented across Australia covering this topic. By way of example, Western Australia has no less than four separate Codes of Practice that cover topics relevant to psychosocial ...
The project complies with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments). In addition to the two Ethical Committee approvals, permission was applied to conduct the study in all municipalities where the data collection and school ...
Bullerengue is a musical and dance practice of Afro-Colombian origin. It is an important cultural expression of Colombia. In San Martin there is one of the most representative leaders of Bullerengue in Turbo, a community leader, who learned this practice from his mother. Based on the ...
Data and code availability Additional information on the results, R code supporting data analysis and raw data are publicly shared (https://corentinjgosling.github.io/MP_2022_EBIACT_PSYCHOSOCIAL). Creation of the EBIA-CT database We built an open-access and interactive database that displays in...
A demographic information sheet was also used to gather information on age, education, marital status, and the length of stay of sheltered women. Procedure Ethical approval was granted by the departmental review committee at COMSATS University Code CUI-ISB/HUM/ERC-CPA/2023-49. The data ...
As highlighted in the qualitative and quantitative data, the student athletes trained regularly across the year. As a result, the student athletes had more opportunities to practice, play and develop in their sport. For example, a student athlete stated they had ‘developed as a player’ and th...
Define Psychosocial interventions. means the application of social work that involves individual, dyadic, family, or group interventions that utilize treatment modalities such as a family systems therapy, client centered advocacy, environmental modificat
The randomised controlled trial includes three arms (952 women each): standard BreastScreen care (no notification of breast density; control arm); notification of dense breasts in screening results letter and print health literacy‐sensitive information (intervention arm 1) or a link or ...
The study complied with all relevant ethical regulations, and it was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidad Nebrija (approval code UNNE-2022-006). It should be noted that all individuals participating in this study gave their informed consent for the open publication of the data ...
R-1.5 achieved consensus with respect to relevance for everyday practice, but only 75.8% consensus in terms of feasibility. Participant feedback indicated concern that the actors who would be tasked with realizing this recommendation were not specified. Furthermore, the limited time involved in ...