(redirected frompsychosexually) Medical psy·cho·sex·u·al (sī′kō-sĕk′sho͞o-əl) adj. Of or relating to the mental and emotional aspects of sexuality. psy′cho·sex′u·al′i·ty(-ăl′ĭ-tē)n. psy′cho·sex′u·al·lyadv. ...
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1 : of or relating to the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of sexual development 2 : of or relating to mental or emotional attitudes concerning sexual activity 3 : of or relating to the psychophysiology of sex psychosexually -ē adverb Last...
psychosexually [ psychosexuality ]的相关副词;[ psychosexual ]的相关副词 Ps 【缩写】 1.=[Bible] Psalm 2.=Psalms 微微秒(=Picosecond) 10的负12次方秒。 PS abbr. 1. (= postscript) 附言,附录;(英国新闻广播后的)结束语;常用于网络上对别人意见作出更详细的解析,或者有更好的解析(略作P.S.,PS....
The psycho-social profile of surveyed sexually active adolescent girls indicates that they do not belong under any circumstances to some marginal group. Therefore it can be concluded on the basis of the results obtained on this selected sample that an even greater necessity exists in the young ...
L. (2011). Psychoaffective differences between sexually functional and dysfunctional men in response to a sexual experience. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(1), 132-139.Rowland, D. L., Georgoff, V. L., & Burnett, A. L. (2011). Psychoaffective differences between sexually functional ...
Psychoneuroendocrine Protocol to Comprehensively Study Sexually Dimorphic CognitionKeywordsSexually dimorphic cognitionSex differencesSex hormonesGender diversitySexual orientationBackground A large body of research provides evidence for sex differences in cognitive abilities. These sex differences stem from the ...
Developmental psychopathological perspectives on sexually compulsive behavior. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2008 Dec;31(4):567-86.Schwartz MF. Developmental psychopathological perspectives on sexually compulsive behavior. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2008;31(4):567--86....
Psychoanalytic/Psychoヾynamic Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: A Systematic ReviewThe sexual abuse of children and adolescents remains a significant problem worldwide. Children and adolescents who have been sexually abused often experience a wide range of ...
Psychovenereology: personality and lifestyle factors in sexually transmitted diseases in homosexual menImagesdoi:10.1136/sti.63.4.280-bDavid GoldmeierPeter HolmesBMJ GroupGenitourinary Medicine