恐怖冷冻食品库,一款充满了惊悚气息的恐怖冒险类游戏,模糊如雪花电视般的游戏画面,恐怖氛围直接拉满,这个蒙上层层神秘面纱的冷冻食品库到底有什么秘密?快来这里探索,解开最后的谜题! 注:该游戏略带恐怖元素,胆小或易感不适的玩家慎入!!! 恐怖冷冻食品库手游特色: 1、第一人称视角,玩家可以在这里探索更多的场景内容...
If a human had bothered to look at the page they were asking me to link from, they probably would have noticed that such a link would only be appropriate if the multimeter being mentioned was a Tektronix product. Which, since the meter in question belongs to one of my readers, not me,...