Developed by psychiatrist Aaron Beck in the 1960s, CBT has become a mainstream treatment for non-severe depression and a number of other mental disorders. In the short term, it is at least as effective as an antidepressant treatment, and in the longer term may be more effective at preventing...
积极心理学运动(a movement of positive psychology) 认知疗法(cognitive therapy) 集中营(concentration camp) 自杀预防(suicide prevention) 抑郁症的治疗(the treatment of depression) 抉择的能力(capacity for Decision) 心态的自由(Freedom of Attitude) 人本主义心理学(humanistic psychology) 自我实现(Self-Actualizat...
At this very moment, a quiet revolution is transforming treatment fordepression. At the forefront is a group of therapies known collectively as "neuromodulation," defined as “the alteration of nerve activity through targeted delivery of a stimulus to specific neurological sites.”[1] Translated int...
to that extent, spirituality has a place in the treatment of depressive illness. Only the truth can set you free from the cognitive distortions associated with depression. The truth really does set you free.
Examining the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Intervention for Depressive Symptoms in Female Adolescents: Applying Social Cognitive Theory Background: Depression is a serious mental health illness among adolescents especially girls. Web-based treatment can possibly become a solution for reducing mental health...
Treatment Options for Psychotic Depression in Adolescents: A Comprehensive Review Violeta Perez-Rodriguez,Claudia Aymerich,Ana Catalan,Sameer Jauhar&Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo Pages: 197-208 Published online:24 Jan 2025 Abstract|Full Text|References|PDF (1.3 MB)|EPUB ...
et al. Benchmarking the effectiveness of psychotherapy treatment for adult depression in a managed care environment: a preliminary study. J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 76, 116–124 (2008). Article PubMed Google Scholar Marcus, D. K., O’Connell, D., Norris, A. L. & Sawaqdeh, A. Is...
have recognized this as a problem.They are now using psychological therapy, in which the patient is working with the doctors against the disease with the help of medicine.The patient does not wait for the medicine and treatment to cure him or her, but instead the patient...
Mohr, D. C., Boudewyn, A. C., Goodkin, D. E., Bostrom, A., & Epstein, L. (2001). Comparative outcomes for individual cognitive-behavior therapy, supportive-expressive group psychotherapy, and sertraline for the treatment of depression in multiple sclerosis.Journal of Consulting and Clinica...
"The grey drizzle of horror," author William Styron memorably called depression. The mood disorder may descend seemingly out of the blue, or it may come on the heels of a defeat or personal loss, producing persistent feelings of sadness, worthlessness, h