Attachment on the Autism Spectrum Not everyone who appears to have a fearful attachment style actually has that style from childhood. More from Psychology Today Attachment 4 Min Read 7 Telltale Signs of an Anxiously Attached Partner Recognizing the signs of an anxious attachm...
“Know thyself” is a great rule of thumb. If you’d like to explore your personality traits, assess possible symptoms of a mental health condition, evaluate your conflict style, romantic impulses or more, we’re here to help. Each quiz contains 20 quest
This study found that attachment style and role selection in BDSM were related to gender: 39.9% of the male practitioners acted as a Dom-type, and 60.5% of the female practitioners acted as a Sub-type, which is similar to the gender distribution of BDSM practitioners in other countries. In...
Gerlsma C, Luteijn F (2000) Attachment style in the context of clinical and health psychology: a proposal for the assessment of valence, incongruence, and accessibility of attachment represen- tations in various working models. B J Medical Psychol 73: 15-34...
Today's College-bound Students Qualities rated as a "somewhat strong" or "major strength" by college-bound students compared with the average person their age: Ability to see the world from someone else's perspective Tolerance of others with different beliefs ...
According to Psychology Today [15], the divorce rate for couples where at least one spouse is bipolar is 90%. For comparison purposes, the general divorce rate is commonly held to be about half as much (around 50%), implying that this illness causes substantial additional burdens on married...
that 16 main traits make up human personality. This personality inventory is often used as a diagnostic tool to help therapists plan treatment. It can be used to learn more about various individual characteristics, including empathy, openness, attitudes, attachment quality, and coping style. ...
This study aims to adapt the scale of “The Measure of Verbally Expressed Emotion” into Turkish and examine its psychometric properties. 614 par
"We asked about 570 people to tell us their favorite songs, and then coded the nearly 7,000 songs for the attachment style that their lyrics expressed. In turn, we consistently found that avoidantly attached people prefer music with avoidant lyrics," says Alaei. "I expected to see a clear...
Today I'm going to do a deep dive into the psychology behind a no contact rule. No, I've talked about this quite a bit over the years. However, today I'd like to talk about a few of the statistically inconsistencies I've noticed with my research. Then, I