Theories of Emotion Most theories of emotion are based on physiology, thought, and the actual emotion. The basic questions are: In what order do these occur? Do we think a certain way because of the emotions we feel, or do we feel emotions because of how we think?
For example, suppose your psychology instructor selected you to lecture on emotion; you might see that as positive, because it represents an opportunity to be the center of attention, and you would experience happiness. However, if you dislike speaking in public, you could have a negative ...
PsychologyofEmotions 2 1.CaseofPhineasGage •Damageofprefrontalcortex;•Intact:language,skill,intelligence,attention,memory,perceptions;•Damage:personalityandemotionregulationandmotivation;---whatfunctionsofprefrontalcortexinemotionalprocessing?Fall,2008 PsychologyofEmotions 3 PatientA(Brickner,1932)•Damage:...
The Psychology of Emotion: Theories of Emotion in Perspectivedoi:10.1017/S1352465800018804McCourt, JimBehavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy
•主要领域(课题):cognitiveeffectsonemotions.–TheoriesofCognitiveAppraisal;–SelfandEmotions;–Attributionandemotion;–Memoryandemotion;–Goalsprocessesandemotion;Fall,2008 PsychologyofEmotions 5 MagdaArnold(1954)’cognitiveappraisaltheory •Anemotionsisafelttendencytowardanythingappraisedasgoodandawayfromanything...
The Psychology of Emotion: Theories of Emotion in Perspective (4th edn). K. T. Strongman. Wiley, New York, 1996, 255 pp. Changing Moods, the Psychology of Mood and Mood Regulation. B. Parkinson, P. Totterell, R. B. Briner and S. Reynolds. Addison-Wesley–Longman, New York, ...
Emotion: a mind and body's integrated response to a stimulus of some kind. Emotions involve physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience. Theories on emotions: how do they work? James-Lange theory: the theory that our experience of emotion is our awareness of our physiolo...
Pervasiveroleofimmediate,unlearned affectiveemotions•PaulEkman Areemotional expressionsuniversal?Howdoesculture Allpeopleshare overlapinfacial language •WolofpeopleofSenegal MébengolkreofCentralBrazilNormsforfacialdisplaysforpain constrainemotional expression?JudgmentsofEmotionalExpressions TheoriesofEmotion Sympathetic...
Major theories of emotion情感的主要理论 The effects of stress压力的影响 Conceptions of personality, including behaviorist, social cognitive, humanistic, and trait theories人格概念,包括行为主义、社会认知、人本主义和特质理论 Research and assessments to measure personality人格测量的研究和评估 ...
comprehensive overview and discussion of the main theories of emotion real–life examples to illustrate key concepts discussion topics chapter summaries suggestions for further reading. The multidisciplinary approach taken will appeal to those investigating emotion in the fields of philosophy and the social...