1.起源与历史 The behaviourist approach was influenced by the philosophy of empiricism(which argues that knowledge comes from the environment via the senses,since humans are like a ‘tabula rasa’,or blank slate,at birth)and the physical sciences(which emphasise scientific and objective methods of...
behaviouristic psychology - an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior behaviorism, behavioristic psychology, behaviourism experimental psychology, psychonomics - the branch of psychology that uses experimental methods to study psychological issues reflexology - the study of reflex ...
behaviorism- an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior behavioristic psychology,behaviourism,behaviouristic psychology experimental psychology,psychonomics- the branch of psychology that uses experimental methods to study psychological issues ...
Nomothetic approach-Examples from psychology Nomothetic research is the main approach taken in scientifically orientated psychology: 一般规律研究法是科学取向的心理学主要使用的研究方法: The behaviourists’ experiments on the principles of learning were conducted on many subjects, and replicated until the gen...
Nomotheticapproach-Examplesfrompsychology Nomotheticresearchisthemainapproachtakeninscientificallyorientated psychology: 一般规律究法是科取向的心理主要使用的究方法:研学学研 Thebehaviourists’experimentsontheprinciplesoflearningwereconducted onmanysubjects,andreplicateduntilthegeneralprinciplesoflearningwere wellestablished....
5、According to behaviourists, the grasping reflex in human babies and the imprinting behaviours in baby ducks are both examples of _ behaviours. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 6、What is the inhibition of inappropriate natural responses to a stimulus after repeated exposures called? 答案:...
influenced in his reaction against psychoanalysis by the work of Albert Ellis, who had developed Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) in the mid-1950s, and he was no doubt aware of the work of behaviourists elsewhere in the world, including the South Africans Joseph Wolpe and Arnold A....
Behaviourists have focused too much on external conditions and behaviours, but have largely ignored psychological phenomena. Subsequent researchers have tried to overcome the limitations of behaviourism and have therefore focused strongly on psychological phenomena and on individuals’ representations of their...
conceptual frameworks (or approaches)to psychology: biological, behaviourist, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic.The methods, theories and assumptions of each approach are explored so that thereader builds an understanding of psychology as it applies to human development,social and abnormal behaviour....
4、WhatisthebestwaytodescribeFreudsapproachtopsychology? 答案:Medical 5、AccordingtoFreud,whatisthepartofourpsychethatismostinterestedin maintainingsocietalnormsanddecency? 答案:Super-ego 6、Theideathathumanbehaviorisgovernedbyaphysicalcomponentandanonphysical ...