Throughout this paper, we estimate reliability (R) for our sample as the mean Pearson’s correlation across participants on different subsets of data from a given behavioral measure. To calculate this measure of reliability, we use a permutation-based split-halves extension of the classic test-...
This paper examines the integration and unification of the philosophy and psychology of well-being. For the most part, these disciplines investigate well-being without reference to each other. In recent years, however, with the maturing of each discipline, there have been a growing number of call...
2, 15 (2024). This paper presents an experience-sampling study using a representative sample of U.S. X (Twitter) users; results show that X use was associated with within-person and between-person increases in boredom. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Plato: Phaedrus. (Cambridge...
Religion and psychology, thought by many to be two totally separate areas of discipline and human fulfillment, can be found to have a meeting point in the ancient Hebrew Tales of the Hasidim for healing and helping; in fact the word Hasidim itself has its origins in the Hebrew word hasid,...
it manifests itself in an individual-specific way by extraordinary doing and thinking (Astin & Antonio,2012; Gardner,2015). Indeed, the perception of excellence in this paper aligns with the current perspective on high ability and talent development. As Van de Vijver and Mathijssen (2024) ...
In a 1930 paper by P. Cattell, it’s noted that 108 on the Otis index of brightness equates to the 75th percentile, implying a standard deviation of about 12, which would make Nixon’s IQ a spectacular 154 on the now commonly used sigma 15 scale (white norms since tests in that era...
the distinction between population and sample; sampling with replacement; running simulations; estimation; sampling distributions. Material: two sets of 97 faux fish = fish-shaped bits of paper or other material two containers = ponds two large blank sheets of paper x axis = ‘Mean ...
This seminal paper postulates that the end of adolescence is a turning point in development at which a late chronotype begins to turn to an early chronotype. Article PubMed Google Scholar Carskadon, M. A. Sleep in adolescents: the perfect storm. Pediatr. Clin. North Am. 58, 637–647 (...
(TCONSTR). However, teachers in our sample work with different numbers of students in the class and have different years of experience. Since class size and professional experience might affect both student learning and teacher practices, we included these two variables as control variables at the...
The intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) for particular psychoacoustic tests as well as the test-retest differences between the first and second CAP evaluation, are presented in Table4. The reliability of individual performance between the first and second test session for the 12-year-old chil...