Let’s consider another example:running. Certain pockets of the world over-rely on running shoes, which are often cushioned; others run barefoot. Studies have shown that runners who use running shoes land differently than those who run barefoot. This begs the question: If even low-level functio...
But there’s more to a… Learn More A quick introduction to social psychology Have you ever wondered how the mind works? Why do people make weird choices? Why… Learn More The psychology of persuasion Have you ever wondered when and why you are persuaded? What about how best to… ...
INFJs love deep conversations, emotional intimacy, and the idea of falling in love with someone’s mind before their face.You’ve Got Mailis theultimateINFJ romance—it’s about connection beyond the surface, the beauty of words, and the quiet magic of realizing someoneseesyou in a way no ...
You might have always felt different without knowing why. You might be called “weird” or “too much” for others. The spectrum of autism may explain some of your challenges. 1 2 Next Imi Lo, MA,is a consultant and psychotherapist with masters degrees in Mental Health and Buddhist Studies...
Thus “to view humans as little more than sophisticated animals …undermines confidence in the scientific method…” The reason so few atheists and materialists seem to recognize the problem is that, like Darwin, they apply their skepticism selectively. They apply it to undercut only ideas ...
Day 20: Reflect on Your Strengths What are you good at? Problem-solving? Absorbing weird facts? Hiking? Write down three things you love about your brain and your talents. Own it. Day 21: Wander Somewhere New Pick a random place—a park, a new coffee shop, even the weird store down...
I’m there. I’ve been trying to contact the artist whose murals have come under suspicion most goofy so that I could meet and interview him during my 4 hours at DIA, but given the weird attention his work has received, he’s hard to get in touch with, as you might imagine. (If ...
there’s more to morality than concerns over harm and fairness; Haidt memorably says that “the righteous mind is like a tongue with six taste receptors” the limitations of basing research findings mainly on ‘WEIRD‘ participants (people who are Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Dem...
articles showing that obesity isn’t really such a problem. It’s not that the flesh is weak; sometimes the flesh is pretty damn smart. It used to be simpler. According to the traditional view, a single, long-term-planning self—ayou—battles against passions, compulsions, impulses, and ...
The sky was filled with all these criss cross trails and weird wavy clouds as well. I stopped and looked around and was disgusted at what I was seeing. It was really prominent. We’ve also had ‘red flag’ warnings for bush fires…” “In NE Ohio, it’s been going on for years, ...