ComputerWorld - Best Places to Work in IT,... Adjunct Professor, Psychology, Public Policy and Law 2 weeks ago 100% Remote Work Full-Time Employee CA Facilitate learning through course preparation and curriculum coordination, assess student performance, mentor students, and engage in research superv...
The Downside of Federal Workers Forced Back Into the Office Parents, and other employees, prefer flexible workplaces, and are equally productive in them. So why would anyone want to force them back to their desks 9-5, five days a week? Gender Inequality in the Division of Housework Persi...
Psychiatric hospitals should not merely be protective places to wait for the medication to take effect. If you're a clinician, advocate for much broader and better care for your patients. If you're a patient or a member of a patient's family, ask questions about the kind of counseling tha...
Spirituality means different things to different people. For some, it's primarily about a belief in God and active participation in organized religion. For others, it's about non-religious experiences that help them get in touch with their spiritual selv
Psychiatric hospitals should not merely be protective places to wait for the medication to take effect. If you're a clinician, advocate for much broader and better care for your patients. If you're a patient or a member of a patient's family, ask questions about the kind of counseling tha...
Now UC San Francisco scientists have shown that in the human hippocampus – a region essential for learning and memory and one of the key places where researchers have been seeking evidence that new neurons continue to be born throughout the lifespan – neurogenesis declines throughout childhood ...
& Luna, B. Visual category‐selectivity for faces, places and objects emerges along different developmental trajectories. Dev. Sci. 10, F15–F30 (2007). Article PubMed Google Scholar Freud, E., Plaut, D. C. & Behrmann, M. Protracted developmental trajectory of shape processing along the ...
Journalism is hemorrhaging jobs, but fortunately, in some places, long form journalism is flourishing. These are detailed; thoughtful; and if you’re left-leaning, harrowing pieces. From God’s Plan for Mike Pence: “Scott Pelath, the Democratic minority leader in the Indiana House of Represent...
McKinley wants to get their focus on me talking about selective attention. Change blindness Famous experiment where a man asks a stranger for directions and then 2 men interrupt carrying a door and change places.Ie: youtube video. Circadian rhythm 24 hour cycle (25 hour cycle-artificial light...
As I mentioned, airports are often stressful places, especially for nervous flyers. There are a few design psychology tricks employed to help keep travelers calm. For one, a lot of natural light. Artificial lighting has beenshownto significantly negatively impact anxiety, so using as much natural...