it's a timeless lesson on how to manage your wealth in a way that aligns with your values and aspirations. Whether you're looking to make money reading or are interested in the psychological aspects of personal finance, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their financial...
everything has a price, and the key to a lot of things with money is just figuring out what that price is and being willing to pay it. The problem is that the price of a lot of things is not obvious until you’ve experienced them firsthand, when the bill is overdue. 没有什么是免...
About three years ago I wrote a long form post called The Psychology of Money that just outlined 20 of these little quirks that I’ve seen people fall for over time historically and what we can learn from them. The post did really well about a million people read it. It was 8000 ...
所属专辑:The Psychology of Money完 喜欢下载分享 声音简介aristocracyn. 贵族,贵族阶级;贵族统治writeoffn. 取消;报废dividendn. 红利,股息;好处,回报;(足球彩票的)彩金;被除数entrenchv. 使(权力、习俗、观念等)根深蒂固;把(军队,兵营等)置于壕沟(或其他设防的阵地)中;侵犯,侵占(entrench on/upon);运用其...
Online programs can have an advantageous impact on three key areas of life: location, time, and money. With online psychology degree programs, you have significantly more choices because you don’t have to factor in your location. They are also flexible: they allow you to schedule your ...
I call this soft skill the psychology of money. The aim of this book is to use short stories to convince you that soft skills are more important than the technical side of money. I’ll do this in a way that will help everyone – from Read to Fuscone and everyone in between – make...
Only after the decision fell, read the interpretations below. Have fun! You’re mine Who did this to you? Touch her and you die Good girl You’re mine –you’re a person who has had to earn pretty much everything in life, from money to your loved ones’ attention and affection; to...
Sure, some suckers may pay, believing “you get what you pay for,” but more often, you’ll shoo away deserving clients and, certainly, charging that much will make clients believe you’re mainly in it for the money not to be of service. That will greatly reduce the trust crucial to ...
I read it with a growing mix of horror and, yes, admiration.The word “wager” in the book’s title recalls the infamous “Pascal’s Wager”. French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal argued in the 17th century that since there was a possibility that God existed, with the power ...
The less money I owe on my credit cards, the less interest I’ll pay, and the more money I will have for me in the long run. Let’s say that instead of paying $121.87 in interest every month, I took a year’s worth of that interest ($121.87 x 12 months = $1,462.44) and ...