但是钱,支票,礼券,是一个效率递减的排列,这些比礼物的效率要更高,你可以拿钱去买自己喜欢的礼物,但不可否认的是这些社交价值就比较低。 2.8 The Price of FREE 一旦某种东西免费了,至少声称是免费之后,那么我们就看不到它的代价。你会看到很多富有的人为了免费的冰激凌去排长队,却完全看不到他们在此浪费的时间...
and using money to buy fancy things may bring less of it than you imagine. If respect and admiration are your goal, be careful how you seek it. Humility, kindness, and empathy will bring you more respect than horsepower ever will.
Cash is the oxygen of independence.这里作者也提到了他没有按揭买房, 而是全款买房, 并认为这是他做的最好的决定.[无债一身轻, 夜夜安眠.]We own our house without a mortgage, which is the worst financial decision we’ve ever made but the best money decision we’ve ever made.[个人觉得, ...
“在别人贪婪时恐惧,在TA人恐惧时贪婪”是美国1929年大萧条对巴菲特和芒格影响最好的描述,因为他们就是从长达30年的美国人对股市的恐惧中成长起来的。 这本The Psychology of Money也强调了美国大萧条以及二战后经济现实对美国金钱观点转变的影响,这使我对1929年大萧条的影响又多了一个维度。芒格曾经说过,大萧条对...
《The psychology of money 》文章围绕20个小观点组成。 1. No one is crazy 强调早期经历的重要性,一个人所做的决定取决于她的经历。人不是理性的机器,人是有感情的,她们不会按照公式表里回报率最大的方式...
But the Money Gods do not look highly upon those who seek a reward without paying the price. Some car thieves will get away with it. Many more will be caught and punished. Same with investing. Morningstar once looked at the performance of tactical mutual funds, whose strategy is to switch...
a set of views about how money works that vary wildly from person to person.“Our findings suggest that individual investors’ willingness to bear risk depends on personal history.”If you risk something that is important to you for something that is unimportant to you, it just does not make...
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel describes flaws, biases, and causes of bad behaviour. It explores our relationship with money
7班曾鹏程英文书籍《The Price of Everything》 4342024-08 2 7班曾鹏程中文书籍《MBA一日读》读书分享 4332024-08 3 7班杨珊英文书籍The Psychology of Money 4322024-08 4 7班杨珊中文书籍《黑天鹅》读书分享 4122024-08 5 7班吴培英文书籍《New Ideas from Dead Economists》 4332024-08 6 7班吴培中文书籍...
the psychology of money 下载积分: 800 内容提示: 15.301/310, Managerial Psychology Prof. Dan Ariely Lecture 8: The Psychology of Money Welcome to the most exiting class so far Focus on one research project today We are talking about the psychology of money. Generally, how do we decide, when...