2.consideration, notice, or observation:a new matter has come to our attention. 3.detailed care or special treatment:to pay attention to one's appearance. 4.(usually plural) an act of consideration, courtesy, or gallantry indicating affection or love:attentions given to a lover. ...
He has much bigger sights: “My words define a coming new species”.Anyone reading “The Transhumanist Wager” is likely to have strong reactions on encountering Jethro Knights. Knights may become one of the grand characters of modern fiction. He challenges each of us to rethink how far each...
There are many more reasons in this world why a person is two sided, or becomes two-faced. I just tried to give you a better view of some reasons for being like that. We all have two sides, although maybe we don’t notice it much because we only have alittleevil side. We all ma...
As a newcomer to cross-cultural research a few years ago, I soon became aware of the term “measurement invariance,” which typically is given as a necessary condition for using a psychological measurement instrument, such as a personality inventory, in more than one cultural context[1]. At o...
pilgrimage, with a postscript ride half way back after 24 hours in Brecon. All three of these rides were challenging, but two felt much more genuine. I’m wondering if the near disaster on the third was more about my head than about the physical and meteorological challenges I faced. ...
“My mind is still BLOWN AWAY Like an out of body experience That this is even a conversation.” “I’ve known Trump as a controlled opp since forever, we gotta get this msg out to everyone ASAP.” “That’s right. It’s all a show!” “[Musk] just did an interview about Neroli...
“At his peak, Einstein was a great destroyer of his own ideas.” As a result, it is important not to put one’s brain in chains before one has come anywhere near his full potential as a rational person. “It’s very important to not put your brain in chains too young by what you...
during a critical period of vulnerability the risk/outcome associated with an environmental challenge may be loss ofhomeostasis,injury, or death rather than the induction ofphenotypic plasticity. Second, a critical window of plasticity is defined based on the response to achronicenvironmental stimulus ...
Regular use, combined with a healthy lifestyle, might contribute to improved prostate comfort and function. 5 Types of Accidents with a High Probability of TBIs One of the most severe traumas a person can encounter is traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can have long-term effects. TBIs are...
boys being boys. It takes a special breed of person to cause pain to others. But the one most hurt bybullyingis the bully himself—though that's not at first obvious and the effects worsen over the life cycle. Yes, females can be bullies too. They just favor a different means of ...