如果只想在本科学习心理学但未来不想从事心理学相关工作的话建议double major一个其他专业,为将来的工作方向铺路。心理学专业除非将来读到更高的学位,从事研究临床一类的工作,否则光本科学位是不够看的。但是如果本身就有目标专业的同学double major一个心理是很不错的选择!心理和经济,社会学,统计,商科一类的专业适配...
TheSam Houston State Universityoffers an undergraduate program in psychology. This is one of the few programs that does not mention the word ‘online’ in your transcripts. With a degree in psychology from the university, you can apply for further programs in graduate schools. You can also expl...
Alexandra Horowitz, a psychology professor and major researcher at the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab at University, conducted one of the first 1. (study) on dog “guilt” in 2009. She videotaped 14 dogs in a series of trials and observed 2. they reacted when their owners left the room after...
major and the B.S. major at Bellevue require a minimum of 127 hours for graduation. The coursework is similar, though the B.A. curriculum involves a broader liberal arts foundation. And the B.S. curriculum focuses on a core of biological sciences and mathematics. There are four start ...
The journal articles and other resources are in this site's 27 major sections: assessment; psychology professor Bev Greene's images of Ground Zero; boundaries in therapy; psychological interventions for people with cancer resources; caregiver resources; Carolyn Payton's bio & a quote about ethics;...
The journal articles and other resources are in this site's 27 major sections: assessment; psychology professor Bev Greene's images of Ground Zero; boundaries in therapy; psychological interventions for people with cancer resources; caregiver resources; Carolyn Payton's bio & a quote about ethics;...
Jolij asked people to submit their favorite feel-good tracks and analyzed them for common patterns. He found that the happiest tunes are slightly faster than your average song (between 140 and 150 beats per minute on average), written in a major key, and either about happy events or complet...
Pediatric psychologists need to develop strong professional identities as health care psychologists combined with a collegial and collaborative arrangement with physicians to ensure the future growth and development of pediatric psychology in the next century as a major vehicle to promote children's health...
Embedded within social cohesiveness and solidarity is the high value attributed to social support, which can be seen as a major resource for better coping. These values are emphasized in stress and coping theories (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), as well as in research on collective trauma (Besser ...
For balances over $1,000, the minimum payment for the major credit card issuers is commonly 1% of the balance owed plus interest and fees (Tsosie, 2022). For our hypothetical person who owes $5,947, their minimum payment would be $59.47 (1% of the balance) plus $121.87 (interest) for...