Dr. Ahmed has teaching experience at institutions in Bangladesh (University of Dhaka), the Philippines (Ateneo de Manila), and the United States (Northeastern University). Clinical Experience Dr. Ahmed has over 40 years of clinical experience working with diverse populations, including children, adole...
Nomophobia, or the fear of being without one’s smartphone, is a growing concern in workplaces around the world. This phenomenon affects both employee
Job dissatisfaction can have a spill-over effect on home life. We spend most of our time each week at work so it makes sense that if you are unhappy with your job, there is a high possibility that you are also unhappy at home. When job dissatisfaction starts to overwhelm our ability to...
Glick, Leonard B. 1982 "Types Distinct from Our Own: Franz Boas on Jewish Identity and Assimilation" inAmerican Anthropologist84(3) pp. 545-565. Frank, Gelya 1997 "Jews, Multiculturalism, and Boasian Anthropology" inAmerican Anthropologist99(4), pp. 731-745. ...
Let me introduce myself. My name is Phil Monroe and I am a Clinical Psychologist. From 2000 to 2017 I was the Director of the MA Counseling and related programs in the Graduate School of Counseling at Missio Seminary. One of my projects was to create the
For example, worker re-skilling has been discussed as a potential solution to occupational polarization and job displacement due to AI. At the same time, AI and other emerging technologies have been discussed as both threats and opportunities for organizational design and workforce resilience, ...
Second, with respect to settlement services, organizations should break-up orientation sessions into multiple visits to make the process for immigrants less overwhelming, while expanding the process to address interests and hobbies, which present opportunities for social inclusion at the local level; ...