In an attempt to answer these eternal and evermore relevant questions, thisSpeakeasy Journaledition endeavors to explore the art and science, the philosophy, psychology, physiology, theory, history, practice, politics, poetry, culture, emotion, eroticism and—as one of mysex therapyclients puts it—...
Proximity of the protected speech and an adverse action can be helpful in establishing causation. Similarly, if several years have gone by, that can be fatal to a plaintiff’s case. Except if there was no previous opportunity for retaliation between the speech and adverse action. No slam dunks...
Recently there is an online free courseModel Thinkingwhich lectured byProf. Scott Pagesfrom University of Michigan. I have introduced Prof. Scott’s research works on complex systems and the nice booksComplexity and Diversity,the DfferenceandComplex Adaptive Systemswritten by him in this weblog (...
Sorokin was especially interested in the process by which societies change cultural orientations. He opposed the view, held by communists, that social change must be imposed externally, such as by a revolution. Hisprinciple of immanent changestates that external forces are not necessary: societies c...