Lawson, T. J. (1995). Gaining admission into graduate programs in psychology: An update. Teaching of Psychology, 22, 225-227.LAWSONT,. 1. (1995) Gaining admission into graduate programs in psychology: an update. Tt~achi~zogf Psychology, 22, 225-227....
Click through this slideshow to see which graduate school programs excel in teaching psychology, according to the ratings of academics in the field.
See expanded profiles of nearly 1,800 schools. Unlock entering class stats including MCAT, GMAT and GRE scores. Unlock with Grad Compass Previous: Social Sciences and Humanities Next: Rankings More from This School Colleges Graduate Schools Unlock U.S. News Grad Compass Access...
To meet the requirements foradmission to the MS in Psychology program, students must hold a four-year undergraduate degree, a graduate degree, a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the last two years of study, or the equivalent. International students must also satisfy English proficiency criteria, which ...
“meaningfully” participate in several specific categories of extra-curricular activities. These categories include (but aren’t limited to): work experience in “healthcare settings,” participation in “community service” activities, involvement in graduate-level research, and the assumptio...
Some with very significant disability – often called high-support persons – will not be able to graduate with an academic diploma; getting a certification of completion instead. Those people will face the greatest challenges continuing to college or getting a job and will generally receive ...
As a student currently in the process of applying to graduate schools for I-O, I would like to express my appreciation for you efforts on this site. Having done as much online research on the process of applying that I have, I can say that your insights and suggestions have been some ...
Admission to Graduate Study in PsychologyAdmission CriteriaAdvanced ProgramsCareer CounselingCollege AdmissionGraduate StudyPsychologyNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/j.2164-585X.1973.tb00865.xWilliam D. DannenmaierJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Career Development Quarterly...
Many thousands of students apply to graduate schools with hopes of pursuing a career in the science or practice of mental health services. Yet, as compared to other types of graduate programs (e.g., law, medicine), remarkably little information is available to help students determine the ...
Millimet CR, Flume ME. Estimating graduate ad- mission standards in psychology. Res Higher Educ. 1982;17:125-136.Millimet,C. Raymond,Flume,Mary E.Estimating graduate admission standards in Psychology. Research in Higher Education . 1982