Human interest in sex can be thought of as a built-in imperative: Survival of the species depends on it. And although sexual desire tends to wax and wane over the course of one's life, depending on external demands and relationship satisfaction, it often serves as a passport tobonding,inti...
I confess that for many years in my Intro Psych course I didn’t cover sleep or stress. In retrospect, I’m sorry that I didn’t use that opportunity to give those students that information they could use to live better lives. While I can’t go back and change the past, I can make...
classmates, and assignments and more focus on just getting better at whatever job I happened to have. For someone like me, I tend to thrive more when things are streamlined and I know what I need to do over the course of a given day, week, or ...
Despite its day-to-day stability,personalitycanchangein the long term, potentially to a substantial degree over the course of a person’s life. Research suggests that people tend to show signs of increasing maturity (including, for instance, increased social sensitivity) in their personality test ...
I was very grateful for the question: of course I should have explained the distinction, how could I have expected them to know it? The question reminded me that the distinction between magic and mysticism is something I tend to take for granted – even though it is not at all obvious ...
We sometimes talk about earlier stages of life as our “past lives” acknowledging that they ran their course until graduation, a move, a marriage or divorce or pandemic ended one way of being and we stepped off a cliff into a new unknown. One of the lessons here is that it is not ab...
An alumnus of the Hyper Island Business Transformation course in Stockholm, Sweden, she has taught her approach to students at Penn State, Juilliard, KU, Chapman University, and the National University of Singapore. She lives in New York, where she is the CEO and Founder of Others Unlimited,...
In general, the School Psychology credential is the Department of Education's official certification that an individual has successfully completed the appropriate university course work, training, experience, and supervision to practice in the schools as an independent practitioner. ...
Fig. 2: Time course of fusion-induced recalibration. Participants (n = 26) completed additional auditory-only post-tests at monthly intervals, without any additional McGurk exposure. For participants who experienced the McGurk effect during the 14 days of McGurk exposure (fusion perceivers), ...
In the current work, Latina and White female PRMs gave two presentations in college Calculus classes over the course of one semester. After the second presentation students completed quantitative and qualitative measures to assess perceived similarity with the PRMs. Across both measures results showed ...