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Every student takes a leadership role in the class, and the professor gives a brief recommendation or opinion. To do their presentation for the course and raise a question, students should look through the related papers by themselve...
If this is indeed the case, it is an open question as to how many sessions would be needed for a reliable estimate of the true ceiling of test-retest reliability. To address these questions, we collected data from more than 250 participants on a battery of 12 commonly used cognitive tasks...
‘Intuitive physics’ enables our pragmatic engagement with the physical world and forms a key component of ‘common sense’ aspects of thought. Current artificial intelligence systems pale in their understanding of intuitive physics, in comparison to ev
What, if anything, does the answer to the previous question tell us about the practice of philosophy? The answers to the previous questions depend of course to some extent on what philosophy is. A comprehensive discussion of this is beyond what is possible in this paper; is seems nevertheless...
In a world of ever-increasing political uncertainty and growing dissatisfaction, the question of what voting means to citizens and what emotions people experience at the very moment when they exercise their right to vote is perhaps more important than ever before. In studies of electoral psychology...
It would be cool if you could do this whole kid-specific way of getting an “in-class” to get answers for the kids question in no time…or maybe if you’ve got a quick web page where you can put these kinds of things in your class book and to share them over would be a great...
A college senior and criminal justice major named Tiffany emailed me the other day with the above question, which came from her teacher. The teacher assumed that courts prefer psychiatrists over psychologists. (It's interesting that at least 90%...
A college senior and criminal justice major named Tiffany emailed me the other day with the above question, which came from her teacher. The teacher assumed that courts prefer psychiatrists over psychologists. (It's interesting that at least 90%...
My wife’s previous round of cancer treatment, in 2015, was one of the most difficult periods in my life. Near the beginning of it I started describing myself as a Buddhist, based on a mere passing question in her hospital survey. But by the end I had become a practising Buddhist, ha...