Not all free-form answers were classifiable along the dimensions of positive/negative valence and stake size. This happens in case the two coders do not agree on the relevant category or when they judge the answers as not classifiable in any of the categories. The percentage of non-classif...
positions of power, or status hierarchies: “Masculinity ideology and fear of femininity,”“Internalized homonegativity and heterosexism,” and “Stigmatization reflecting intolerance of LGBTIQ + identities in Greek society.”
Click to access spp192_vol3.pdf 8· Chinese Cosmographical Thought:The High Intellectual Tradition JOHN B. HENDERSON Click to access HOC_VOLUME2_Book2_chapter8.pdf East-West Encounterin the Science of Heaven and Earth天と地の科学──東と西の出会い Edited by Tokimasa Takeda and Bill M....
McCullough, Michael EWitvliet, Charlotte Vanoyen
Chapter 8Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory225 T A B L E 8. 1 Summary of Sullivan’s Theory of Personality I.Tensions(potential for action) A.Needs(conjunctive; they help integrate personality) General needs (facilitate the overall well-being of a person) a. Interpersonal (tenderness, intimacy, an...
Class Action Suit Over Denied Mental Health Services It didn't make the national news, but the fight for access to psychiatric care, and insurance "parity" for a great many psychiatric patients is a little closer to being won. The second U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in September, 2016,...
The chapter ends with a discussion of crimes of intimidation, which represent a form of aggression that may or may not result in violence but produce fear in the victims. UCR Data on Violent Crime In the Uniform Crime Reports, as discussed in the previous chapter, the four violent crimes ...
An overview of the theoretical perspectives provides a framework for understanding the study of the psychology of women.Readings:Chapter 1- IntroductionChapter 2- Theoretical PerspectivesDiscussion Posts: Why study the Psychology of Women?What are the 6 major theoretical perspectives reg 16、arding the ...
Then, pursuing these questions in grad school, finding truth in experience, in subjectivity. I wrote a paper about class clowns early in grad school, with the idea that there is some phenomenon that gets named clown, but what is that? I ask about clowning, the activity of being/ doing cl...
In addition, as we will note in Chapter 12, there is ample evi- dence to support the positive impact of psychology on the correctional system (see, generally, the APA's journal Monitor on Psychology, 2003). Boothby and Clements (2000) conducted an extensive survey of 830 psychologists ...