On December 5, 2013, Neuron published case study“The Will to Persevere Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Human Cingulate Gyrus.”Although researchers at Stanford University came across these intriguing results by accident, the implications may prove in the future to be of some consequence. I...
Case Western Reserve University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins 11/1/2024) College of Charleston (child clinical or developmental; job ad; review begins 11/14/2024) Cornell College (Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins 9/1/24...
The present paper ar- gues that case study observations not only provide the initial data base upon which even- tual inductive processes lead to theories which are subsequently tested through the deductive-experimentation method but, within the field of medical psychology, case studies are the ...
The Facade of Scientific Documentation: A Case Study of Richard Ofshe's Analysis of the Paul Ingram Case[Psychology, Public Policy & Law] The Therapeutic Relationship As The Foundation for Treatment with Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse[Psychotherapy] ...
2. FIVE WAYS OF USING THE CASE STUDY METHOD IN PSYCHOLOGY WITH EXAMPLES: LEARNING FROM POLITICAL SCIENCE1. Even if participants are typical, it is still notadvisable to generalise the findings. The individual(s) studied may not prove to be so typical after all.Introduction...
The Facade of Scientific Documentation: A Case Study of Richard Ofshe's Analysis of the Paul Ingram Case[Psychology, Public Policy & Law] The Therapeutic Relationship As The Foundation for Treatment with Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse[Psychotherapy] ...
for all levels of study and a vital resource for professionals. Key features are: chapters on both the effects of exercise and adherence to exercise; multiple disciplines are integrated to provide wider understanding; and clear case studies and key points to explain all concepts covered in the ...
behavioral sciences Article Correcting a Longstanding Misconception about Social Roles and Personality: A Case Study in the Psychology of Science John A. Johnson ID Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA; j5j@psu.edu Received: 16 May 2018; Accepted:...
and applies them to empirical research on the human mind. Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind (6th Edition) features pedagogy such as critical thinking questions and case study boxes that help students gain an understanding of how to apply evolutionary psychology to real life situa...
People may also exhibit narcissistic tendencies in the case of continuous, self-focused training [121]. However, it is important to highlight that the current review study focused on positive psychology strategies that trained a wide range of meta-skills enabling participants to be realistic, self...