Focus on a Fictional Character or a Famous Literary Figure Another fun and interesting approach is to conduct a case study of one of your favorite fictional characters. You might opt to tackle a classic character such as Shakespeare's Macbeth or Romeo or Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennet or Fit...
but also offer greater insight into the fictional and real-world repercussions of the psychological distress on the human mind, and the damaging impact of oppression.”—Dr. Suzana
His hunger for excitement, recognition, and action on the battlefield exemplifies the action-oriented nature of the ESTP. Find out what it means to be an ESTP personality type here. Jon Snow – ISFP I know, I know. Another character I wish was an INFJ, but can’t justify. Snow is a...
Of course, the customers think they are interacting with a real person, not a fictional character. Each virtual has a dossier as does each customer. Every two minutes, a different employee takes over the virtual persona and continues the chat. When the employee switches to a new virtual, ...
Enjoying fiction requires a shift in selfhood. You give up your own identity and try on the identities of other people, adopting their perspectives so as to share their experiences. This allows us to enjoy fictional events that would shock and sadden us in real life. When Tony Soprano kills...
carefully about who influences you. I’ve heard it said that we become the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Spending time doesn’t have to be a matter of physical presence. What people, living and dead, real or fictional, do you spend a lot of time thinking ...
Many ancient cultures used musical tools for social and ritual procedures, with the Aztec skull whistle being a unique exemplar from postclassic Mesoamerica. Skull whistles can produce softer hiss-like but also aversive and scream-like sounds that were p
One of the great things about typing celebrities or fictional characters is that they can give you an idea of how the types might present themselves, especially if you haven’t had contact with a lot of the different types in real life. As you read through these quotes you can get an id...
Our results show that sexual orientation of the source of the joke has strong and consistent effects on the appreciation of an anti-gay joke. More specifically, jokes elicited more positive and less negative outcomes when they were voiced by a fictional gay character compared to a straight ...
If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignment will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool, where they may be adjusted, or edited there. The assignment and discussion explanations are linked out to Google docs, so that they ...