Your book focuses on teaching children principles of psychology rather than psychological skills for mental health. How did you make that decision? Of course, we think that books that teach mental hygiene and coping are important, and we’ve written a number of them. But, with the great numbe...
Whether it's for personal growth or academic enrichment, this set of psychology books is a valuable addition to any child's library. Specifics: What you get: book x5 Themes: Child Psychology The books we are selling include children's, youth, and adult categories All of our books are ...
My friend Jodie Isitt, fromAutism with Love, has recently published her first book. Jodie is a mum of 3 children with autism (one with PDA) and has recently braved the world of writing books for children! Layout and look One of the things that I liked straight away was that the Autism...
Books Fulfillment Method Price Brand Fulfillment Speed Sort by| Best Match Books Box Sets Pre-Owned Books Pre-Owned Children's Books Pre-Owned Fiction Books Star Wars Books Wonder Woman Books & Comics Abuse Self-Help Books Accounting Books Action & Adventure Teen & Young Adult Books Acupressure...
As early as the 1960s, sociologists like Bernice Neugarten began to look at middle age as a distinct phase of life, and several books that described a “midlife” crisis excited public interest. Sociologists were also beginning to make a distinction between the old/old and the young/old. ...
Make time for yourself every day to read these (and other) business psychology books. If you have to put it on your to-do list, do so. The returns won’t be immediate, but your employees and your career will benefit. 1.Influence: The Psychology of Persuasionby Robert Cialdini ...
Sure, a book publisher prints and sells your book. But what they do behind the scenes encompasses much more than that. Publishers handle theentirepublishing process for books, including: Editing the book,i.e. developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading; ...
CHILD Psychology: A Handbook of Contemporary Issues (Book)BALTER, L.BOOKSCHILD psychologyCHILDRENPSYCHOLOGYNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1475-3588.2005.00125_4.xDavid M. DaleyJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Child and Adolescent Mental Health...
Internet Gaming Disorder Among Rural Left-Behind Children in China: A Sociological Qualitative Study Kaixin Bao,Shujie Wu,Mohamed Oubibi&Lianyu Cai Pages: 387-403 Published online:24 Feb 2025 Abstract|Full Text|References|PDF (2.3 MB)|EPUB ...
” Both his physical and his spiritual life were marked by restlessness and wanderings, largely in Europe, that affected the training of his children at school and theireducationat home. Building upon the works ofSwedenborg, which had been proffered as a revelation from God for a new age of...