This column reviews the Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, published by EBSCO. This database contains a large number of full text scholarly journal articles in psychology and the behavioral sciences.doi:10.1300/J103v21n01_08ClarkJohn R....
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection 可以独立进行搜索,但也允许订阅机构的用户从APA PsycInfo中的引用信息链接至数据库的全文 当用户通过EBSCOhost 查看这些引用信息时,可以链接到本数据库收录的数百种全文期刊中的文章。 Quote Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection 的特别价值在于提供了访问全文期刊的机会...
The Significance of Preschool Teacher's Personality in Early Childhood Education: Analysis of Eysenck's and Big Five Dimensions of Personality International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences IJPBS, 2(2), 28-37.Tatalović Vorkapić, S. (2012). The Significance of Preschool Teacher.....
期刊名称:《Psychology and Behavioral Sciences》|2021年第5期 关键词: Psychological FlexibilityPainOpioid UseSubjective Fear; 3.Intentions, Objectives and Profits of Group Therapy 机译:组治疗的意图,目标和利润 作者:Thomas Wallenhorst 期刊名称:《Psychology and Behavioral Sciences》|2021年第6期 ...
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, Sohar, Oman Dr. Ghasim (Davin) Nabizadehchianeh Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling, The University of Alabama, Tusc...
Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal s an Open Access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary international journal of Juniper publisher. PBSIJ main aim is to publish quality articles related to mind, behavioral changes, mental functions, so
Research in Psychology and Behavioral SciencesISSN (Print):2333-4371ISSN (Online):2333-438XWebsite: Editor-in-chief:Apply for this position Submit an articleJoin Peer-Review Program Publications are Open ...
Stages of Change, Self-efficacy and Stress Management Perceptions in First Year Undergraduate Students Psycho-Socio-Cultural Issues of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Gujarat, India Contemporary Method to Study Humanities and Social Sciences Cosmetic Acts and Frontal Cortex Function in Upper Middle-aged...
method for various mental health conditions and their related symptoms. Many evidence-based therapy methods can be practiced online, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), in which a psychotherapist supports clients in recognizing how distorted thinking patterns are related to feelings and behaviors...
Health and Well-BeingUSA53%similarity25 North American Journal of PsychologyUSA52%similarity26 Current Research in Behavioral SciencesNLD52%similarity27 International Journal of PsychologyUSA50%similarity28 Psychology, Health and MedicineGBR50%similarity29 Journal of Pacific Rim PsychologyGBR50%similarity30 ...