Clinical Psychologist providing evaluation, individual & couples therapy, counseling, & consultation in Las Vegas, NV.
The exam is given three times a year. Some administrations are in Reno, others in Las Vegas. In 2014, the fee will become $270. Candidates should have their applications in to the Board office well in advance of their desired testing date....
Dr Dvori, psychologist, uses Somatic-Experiencing, CBT, Art, EMDR, Hypnosis, for depression, anxiety, trauma, anger, self-esteem, OCD, social skills. Anxiety during COVID-19/ Corona. Find me at
Rutledge, P. B. (2012). Augmented Reality: A Brain-Based Model for Engagement and Persuasion Using Narrative. Paper presented at the 2012 EEE International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, NV. ...
DR. PAM | MEDIA PSYCHOLOGIST/Positive Media Psychology
The client is then slowly and gradually exposed to increasingly distressing stimuli under the therapist’s supervision; this allows the client to learn to tolerate their distress better and practice not responding in their usual ways. How effective is exposure and response prevention therapy? Exposure...
Rutledge, P. B. (2012).Augmented Reality: A Brain-Based Model for Engagement and Persuasion Using Narrative. Paper presented at the 2012 EEE International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, NV. ...