And, one of the most critical measures of psychological wellbeing is Ryff's Scales of Psychological Wellbeing (SPWB). The SPWB consists of six dimensions: Autonomy, Environmental mastery, Personal growth, Positive relations with others, Purpose in life, and Self-acceptance. However, previous ...
Well-being is a multifaceted concept. It is often thought of as one of the hallmarks of the liberal arts experience, resulting from educational encounters that both guide students in the search for meaning and direction in life and help them realize their true potential. The Ryff is a ...
Eudaimonic well-being scale; Scale of Psychological Well-Being (SPWB) Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale (RPWBS) is a structured, self-report instrument of psychological well-being (PWB), developed...DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_89-1 年份...
1. Study of Appling to Citizens in China on Ryff s Psychological Well-being Scales.; Ryff心理幸福感量表在我国城市居民中的试用研究2. According to the Eudaimonic philosophical roots, psychological well-being researchers suggest that well-being involves more than happiness, rather it is ...
1.Study of Appling to Citizens in China on Ryff s Psychological Well-being Scales.;Ryff心理幸福感量表在我国城市居民中的试用研究 2.According to the Eudaimonic philosophical roots,psychological well-beingresearchers suggest that well-being involves more than happiness, rather it is characterized by th...
The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship of emotional intelligence with psychological well-being and academic achievement through positive psychological characteristics among university students in China. The study was conducted with postgraduate and undergraduate students. The integratio...
Psychological Well-Being Scale (Ryff, 1989), the Religious Problem-Solving Scale (Pargament et al., 1988), the Shepherd Scale (Basset et al., 1981), and a demographic survey. The demographic survey consisted of standard questions (age and sex) in addition to items about church affiliation,...
The aim was to uncover changes in emotions, coping strategies, and psychological well-being during a pandemic. Methods: Ryff scale, multidimensional emotion questionnaire, and Brief COPE scale. Participants: sample of 118 master’s students after the first wave and 128 master’s students after the...
In studies among adults, psychological well-being (PWB) is commonly measured along six dimensions (environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, self-acceptance, autonomy, and positive relations with others) using Ryff’s PWB scale. Because the original scale was too for use among ...
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