18. 我感到自己对自己的生活很满意。 这个问题旨在了解个体对自己生活的满意度的认知。个体是否感到自己对自己的生活很满意,并且能够从中获得满足感和幸福感。 以上是关于Psychological Well-being Scale 18个问题的详细描述,这些问题旨在全面评估个体在心理健康方面的状况,从而为个体提供相关的心理健康支持和干预。©...
Ryff's Psychological Wellbeing Scale has been developed and translated into different versions. Here, we examine and describe the psychometric properties of the 18-item Swedish version of Ryff's Psychological Wellbeing Scale using both Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Re...
Eudaimonic well-being scale; Scale of Psychological Well-Being (SPWB) Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale (RPWBS) is a structured, self-report instrument of psychological well-being (PWB), developed...DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_89-1 年份...
Mental health professionals use a variety of instruments to assess mental health and wellbeing. Common purposes for psychological testing include: screening for the presence or absence of common mental health conditions; making a formal diagnosis of a mental health condition; assessment of changes in ...
This study examined whether sexual satisfaction was constructed differently for gay men and lesbian women (n = 596) by exploring the contributions of a number of background variables, as well as psychological well-being and internalized homonegativity to sexual satisfaction. Ordinary least squares regr...
Fig. 4: Major events of the Russo-Ukrainian war and corresponding well-being levels and Ukraine-related tweets. The solid blue line illustrates the mean daily well-being scores across participants (standardized across state measurements) and corresponds to the scale on the left. The dashed green ...
Psychological Wellbeing Scale (PWB) [25] is used in the original 20-item per scale version devised to evaluate six dimensions of well-being: (1) autonomy; (2) environmental mastery; (3) personal growth; (4) positive relationships with others; (5) purpose in life; and (6) self-acceptanc...
This study examined the relationship of goal-related components of cybernetic, behavioral, and experiential self-regulations to psychological well-being under two types of conditions, the pursuit of intrinsic goals in general and specific intrinsic goals
The Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale: role and impact on public health policy and practice. Eur. J. Public Health https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckx186.237 (2017). Stewart-Brown, S. et al. Internal construct validity of the Warwick–Edinburgh mental wellbeing scale (WEMWBS): a ...
2.2.1. Residential Eudaimonic Need Satisfaction Scale (RENSS) Participants completed a 14-item scale comprising items with the stem: ‘When I am at home, I feel …’ and ending ‘forced to do many things I wouldn't choose to do’ (Autonomy), ‘Doubtful whether I can do things well’...