The rise ofhybrid threatsandnon-linear warfare The strategic role ofAIandmachine learningin modern security How intelligence servicesmust adapt to meet multi-domain challenges As technology and geopolitics shift, resilience, adaptability, and international cooperation will be key to navigating these uncerta...
信息是心理战进攻的主要武器,以造成心理杀伤为最终目标。 The information is a kind of weapon and attacks human mental that is its purpose in psychological warfare.
The profession (for example, clinical psychology), scholarly discipline (academic psychology), and science (research psychology) concerned with the behavior of humans and animals, and related mental and physiologic processes. [psycho- + G.logos,study] ...
2.One of the periods into which human life is divided, distinguished by physical evolution, equilibrium, and involution; for example, the seven ages of humankind are infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle life, senescence, and senility. ...
during Operation Desert Storm there were a dozen different threatening leaflets depicting the B-52 bomber.Heavy bombershave always been a staple of American psychological warfare. It is surprising to see that no such leaflet depicting a B-52 bomber was produced for Afghanistan. Higher echelons decid...
In the most victorious warfare. we win always and forever. The bread is always scarce, and we will soon win into the fifth year. And we will win to death. It’s a long way to Tipperary This single-sided German WWI propaganda leaflet paraphrases the British marching song and now states...
Psychological warfare, the use of propaganda against an enemy, supported by such military, economic, or political measures as may be required. Such propaganda is generally intended to demoralize the enemy, to break his will to fight or resist, and someti
Physical fitness and motor skills are considered important attributes for the military, affecting their professional performance. The high physical and psychological demand that the special forces are subjected to requires the acquisition of a set of vol
Modern media, especially radio, played key role in the Nazi psychological warfare. 现代的传播方式(特别是无线电)在心理战中发挥了关键作用。 LASER-wikipedia2 I am not simply carrying out psychological warfare. 我并不只是在打心理战。 UN-2 I am not simply carrying out psychological warfare...
Such costly emotional signaling was probably more frequent in ancestral tribal societies that engaged in communal rituals in order to control everything from the weather to success in intertribal warfare. Even in the secular, urban environments of today, adherents of some religious traditions (e.g...