The Silence of the Lambsis not just the best psychological thriller of all time, but one of the greatest movies ever, having long ago established its place as an influential classic. Directed by Jonathan Demme and based on Thomas Harris’ eponymous 1988 novel, the film revolves around the unu...
A psychological drama/thiller by director Daniel Callahan that follows a failed artist's struggle to come to grips with his life as his grip on reality loosens.
A young woman, Casey, is hired as a nanny by a wealthy couple. She soon discovers that her charges are not what they seem. The family is harboring a dark secret, and Casey finds herself in the middle of a psychological thriller. Close is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that will keep ...
Mulholland Drive David Lynch, 2001 I have added this as a bonus rather than putting it in the list because it seems to me to be more suited to the surrealist genre. Having said that, it does certainly contain many elements of a psychological thriller so I want to give it a mention at ...
Here's a list of the 50 best psychological thriller movies, from newer hits like 'Leave the World Behind' to classics like 'Vertigo,' and where to watch them.
Watch the best psychological thriller movies of all time for your next movie night. From classic thrillers to modern dramas, there's something for everyone.
When you think ofAdam Sandler movies, your mind probably goestothe slap-stick comedies he’s known for — but don’t write him off as just a comedy guy. Alongside director Josh Safdie, Sandler proved his dynamic range as an actor with the psychological thriller,Uncut Gems. In this critical...
Donnie Darkois an independently filmed sci-fi movie that was released in late 2001. September 11th had taken place before the release and because the movie has a plane crash as part of the story, it was deemed a poor idea to push this to the public. ...
We round up 35 of the best psychological thriller movies you can watch online, from Get Out to Zola to Prisoners to Black Swan to Luckiest Girl Alive.
These are the best psychological thriller movies of all time that you can stream now, including new and old films and some based on disturbing true stories.