Scales for the measurement of some work attitudes and aspects of psychological well‐beingbattery management systemsbattery powered vehiclessecondary cellsPEVadaptive battery management systembattery charging algorithmcycle lifemass productionplug-in electrical vehicles...
subscales and 750 total indexes.On the basis of determining testing scope and selecting testing object,a psychological measurement is carried out for the preliminary testing scales of human unsafe behavior.Through the statistics and analysis on the data of preliminarily testing scales,152 more ...
Meaning in life is an important construct for psychological theory which has received little empirical investigation, partly because of uncertainty about measurement scales. This paper examines the factor structure of three scales to mea... K Chamberlain,S Zika - 《Personality & Individual Differences》...
measurementscalespsychometric propertiesreliabilityvaliditySouth African contextThe aim of this study was to do a first phase screening of psychometric properties of various scales measuring facets of psychological well-being so as to address further questions in the FORT 1 project (FORT 1 = Clarifying ...
CHAPTER 11-Sex Roles: The Measurement of Masculinity, Femininity, and Androgyny Ellen Lenney Pages 573-660 Purchase View chapter Select CHAPTER 12 - Values Book chapterNo access CHAPTER 12-Values Valerie A. Braithwaite and William A. Scott ...
1.The psychological assessment of the children with special needs runs through the whole process of special education and instruction.特殊需要儿童的心理评估贯穿于整个特殊教育和教学的过程中。 3)psychological measurement心理评估 1.Objective:To investigate the difference of personality characteristic between su...
[Evaluation on the Chinese version of adolescent fat intake behavior of psychological measurement scale and its reliability and validity]. To develop a suitable fat intake behavior of psychological measurement scales for the Chinese adolescents and evaluate its validity and reliability. Accord... M Fang...
MEASURING BELIEFS ABOUT WHERE PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN ORIGINATES AND WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS ALLEVIATION: Two New Scales for Clinical Researchers - ScienceDi... On one side, quantitative measurement produced the widely used IQ test but shed little light on the construct of intelligence and its role ...
Men’s Experience of Psychological Abuse: Conceptualization and Measurement Issues Abstract In this paper the literature on men’s experience of psychological abuse (in the U.S.) is reviewed and the ability to conceptualize and measure such abuse is reconsidered. Scales used to measure psychological...
Educational and Psychological Measurement (EPM) publishes referred scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in the study of measurement theory, problems, and issues. Theoretical articles address new developments and techniques, and applied articles deal with innovation applications. ...