Oxford handbook of anxiety and related disorders (pp. 225-237). New York: Oxford University Press.Fisher, L. y Wells, A. (2009). Psychological Models of Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. En M. M. Antony y M. B. Stein (Eds.), Oxford Ha...
Learning Objectives define psychological disorders and explain how they are classified describe the features and characteristic symptoms of anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder; differentiate these anxiety disorde...
generalizedanxietydisorder(GAD)指一种以缺乏明确对象和具体内容的提心吊胆,及紧张不安为主的焦虑症,并有显著的植物神经症状、肌肉紧张,及运动性不安。病人因难以忍受又无法解脱,而感到痛苦。诊断标准·GAD【症状标准】(1)符合神经症的诊断标准; (2)以持续的原发性焦虑症状为主,并符合下列2项:①经常或持续的无明...
Children and adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder show a high percentage of physical complaints. BEHAVIORAL. Behavioral symptoms of anxiety include pacing, trembling, general restlessness, hyperventilation, pressured speech, hand wringing, or finger tapping. COGNITIVE. Cognitive symptoms of anxiety ...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 特徵:普遍、持久、不變,通常使人失去活力的高度焦慮 Stress Disorder 創傷症的特徵:對高度壓力事件或情境(例如強暴或戰鬥)的極端反應 創傷後壓力症(posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD):對於過去創傷事件經驗的心理重現,例如不斷產生惡夢,或者在從事其他活動時不斷憶起創傷事件 急性壓力症...
several typesofanxietydisorders: Generalizedanxietydisorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), panic [...] hsbc.com.hk hsbc.com.hk 焦慮症障礙包括:廣泛性焦慮障礙(GAD)、強迫症(OCD)、恐慌症、創傷後因壓力而出現失常(PTSD)及社交恐懼症。
persistent ,unresolvablestress could lead to generalized anxiety disorder ,whereas‘one-off ‘traumatic eventscould causepost-traumatic stress disorder. c焦虑 不同类型的刺激情境可以产生不同类型的焦虑症,如:持久性,无法解决的压力可能会导致广泛性焦虑症,而'一次性'创伤性事件可能造成创伤后应激障碍。
Objective:To explore the relationship between sleep quality and psychological status in general anxiety disorder patients.Methods:Sixty general anxiety disorder patients were investigated with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inquiry(PSQI)and SCL-90 scale,and data recorded were analyzed with SPSS 11.5 statistical so...
AnxietyDisorders 19.distressing,persistentanxietyordysfunctional behaviorsthatreduceanxiety 20.generalizedanxietydisorder;panicdisorder;phobias; obsessive-compulsivedisorder;posttraumaticstress disorder 21.generalizedanxiety;free-floating 22.highbloodpressure;panicdisorder;panicattack ...
Anxiety disorders:Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People with these conditions experience overwhelming feelings of fear and dread that can interfere with everyday life. ...