University Community Engagement National Seminar on Psychological First AID (PFA)Zulkarnain Hamson
AVI TENENBAUM PFA offers international training in Psychological First Aid for Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire, Search & Rescue, Military, Educators, Medical Personnel, & Mental Health Professionals.
education, management, and human capital. Because it represents the ultimate “why” behind decisions and behaviors, as a concept it plays an outsized role in both theory and practice in each of these fields. Despite the
For example, a commuter student who must be available to pick up children from soccer practice or who has a job off campus may not be able to attend that evening seminar at school designed to help their study habits or the weekend football game that would strengthen their university identity...
in Seminar (674), October 2015. Dhar, A., & Siddiqui, S. (2013). At the edge of (critical) psychology. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 10, 506–548. Google Scholar Erikson, E. H. (1962). Reality and actuality. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 10(3), 451...
We thank many colleagues and seminar participants for helpful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts. Fryer is at the Harvard Society of Fellows and NBER, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA, (; and Jackson is at the Division of the Humanities and Social ...
The role of psychosocial factors in the development of changes in lichen planus and other diseases of the oral cavity has been implicated, but is still understudied. Therefore, the aim of our study was to describe the specific profile of psychological fu