Full size image 4.2.2 Norman Bates und die Wiederbelebung der Orte Die wiederkehrende Verkörperung durch Anthony Perkins und die unveränderte Architektur der Orte bilden für Kelleter „zentrale ästhetische Akteur(e)“, bei denen es „um die Rückkehr an einen bekannten (medialen)...
https://share.dmhy.org/topics/view/391474_VCB-Studio_PSYCHO_PASS_2_10bit_1080p_BDRip_Fin.html http://www.tsdm.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=585521
原盘和第一季度类似,有比较重的噪点和锯齿;处理过程中我们根据原生分辨率对线条进行了重构,并进行了抗锯齿和低强度的去色带。 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC + AAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1.2 GB。 部分集数内封评论音轨。 一边做一边补,还挺好看的。by 七条天空 同是第二季,隔壁《一〇超人》真是太惨了 by Tom...
Episode 2 Evimer Duclerc & Michelle Garcia Optimistic Evimer Duclerc unexpectedly finds happiness when she decides to give Ramon Lalondriz-Castillo a chance. Young love is fun and adventurous, but it can also be full of surprises. Episode 3 Mary Kay Beckman & Steven Lane A beach boy's drea...
American Psycho is one of the penultimate performances of Christian Bale. The film stars Bale a Wall Street psychopath Patrick Bateman, whose world is beginning to crumble around him, and whose need to commit murder in increasingly bizarre ways should get him caught at any moment. However, due...
Ruined Background Pack 2 A Kamehameha Sprite Movieclip Black Flash Movieclip 2 What is Stick Nodes? Stick Nodes is a simple-but-powerful stickfigure animation app created for mobile devices. Easily create your own animations of moving stickfigures right on your Android, iPhone, or iPad!
The most famously queer-coded horror movie of the last 35 years, this obvious example wrote the book on queer subtext. The first sequel in what would become a sprawling franchise, “A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge” was a notorious flop bef...
The most famously queer-coded horror movie of the last 35 years, this obvious example wrote the book on queer subtext. The first sequel in what would become a sprawling franchise, “A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge” was a notorious flop before it was reclaimed by queer au...
Tags:movie review,reviews 101 things to do in 1001 days IN PROGRESS; #92: Wash face properly every night for a month (like with the Korean creams and everything) Mar 2 Posted bydsbs42 I’ve gotten lazy during the pandemic. Actually, that’s not true, I’ve always been lazy, but my...
心理测量者 S1+S2+Movie 10-bit 1080p BDRip 重发 10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。约 1 GB 一集。 修正列表 Videos: 1. 按新规范重新命名,移动下集预告到 Previews 文件夹; 2. 合并 SP5 补丁(修正第 1 期外挂音轨和 Ep.22 音画不同步); ...