the first English set to feature the Elite Four's Pokemon ever, and the first TCG set in general to feature either since the Japanese-only Pokemon VS. I was actually rather disappointed to see that the cards of the new Rotom forms, a.k.a. the main reason I was ...
Mr. Mimeis a psychic-fairy type Pokemon who is also known as a barrier Pokemon or a dancing Pokemon. Mr. Mime is 50% male and 50% female with a height of 1.3m and a weight of 54.5kg. The first introduction of Mr mime had happened in generation one when it used to be a pure ps...
Mega Sableye has been added to the officialPokemon ORAS website, revealing that its ability is Magic Bounce, its type remains as Dark/Ghost, and that it receives boosted Defense and Special Attack in exchange for lowered Speed. While retaining Sableye's height of 1'8", it is also signific...
Pokemon (TV Show) - The Tower of Terror (Episode) • The way the camera is angled from the ground up really makes the tower look huge and foreboding, especially with dark blue background and the dark black surroundings Pokemon (TV Show) - Haunter Vs. Kadabra (Episode) • The episode...
Preempting the announcement next Sunday, however, scans of the March 2010's Corocoro magazine have been leaked, revealing the new Pokemon, Zoroark, and its pre-evolution, Zorua. They are pure Dark-type fox Pokemon: Tags: Gen V Valentine's Presents[permalink] ...
Pancham's evolution, who has the Japanese name Goronda, is a Fighting/Dark-type who stands at 2.1m, weighs 136kg, learns Hammer Arm and has Iron Fist for an ability. Maika, the Revolution Pokemon, and Karamanero, the Reversal Pokemon, are two new Dark/Psychic-types. Maika stands at ...