They're weak against the Bug and Ghost types and have no effect against the Dark type because these represent fears, which can take over the mind and affect one's concentration, and of beings of different and hard to read psyches; insects have a much different mental process than ...
2.An instance of the passage of an electric current through the body. The amount of injury caused by electric shock depends on the type and strength of the current, the length of time the current is applied, and the route the current takes once it enters the body. ...
Weak Armor Cursed Body LC HP40 Atk45 Def45 SpA74 SpD54 Spe50 Sinistea-Antique Ghost Weak Armor Cursed Body LC HP40 Atk45 Def45 SpA74 SpD54 Spe50 Slowbro Water Psychic Oblivious Regenerator Own Tempo RU HP95 Atk75 Def110 SpA100 SpD80 Spe30 Slowbro-Mega Water Psychic Shell Armor Natio...
It is NOT a shift finishing what Edgar Cayce originally would have called the “3rd Day of 3” or as I’ve called it also, “The 3rd of 3 World Events” or “The 3rd of 3 Chapters of the book of these days of Mankind” – or rather the darkness energy which is currently manifesti...
If the target is affected by the linked spell, that target is confused for 1 round after the duration of the spell expires (or immediately, if the spell has an instantaneous duration). If the target succeeds at its save against the linked spell, it is instead confused for 1 round ...
Despite being called a helmet, its protection is comparable to a bowler hat made of weak materials. It only blocks minimal damage and, with its low HP, wouldn't last very long either. Quality does not affect its psychic protection, so an Awful foil helmet blocks psychic effects just as we...
This is the cycle which produced Nero, Henry VIII and George III and we now have our 21st century version. Is Elon Musk a Pluto in Capricorn type? Certainly not to the extent that Donald is, but what does interest me is the sudden rise of Bluesky, run by a woman. I have an ...
The dark forces that are behind the global control play humans against each other and manipulate us into division. Our duty is to forgive and understand one another. Be more compassionate but at the same time be discerning so we don’t fall into their manipulative games. ...
Moonstone, also written as moon stone, is a unique form of feldspar; a sodium potassium aluminum silicate. The feldspars are the most common group of rock type on the surface of the Earth, but vary widely in their makeup. “The name moonstone derives from the stone’s characteristic visual...
We've updated our page on theBattle Frontierto now list all of theTrainersthat you'll find there, all of thePokemonthat will be used against you in battle, and all of theTeams of Pokemonthat each trainer can assemble from those lists. ...