Depression in Traumatic Brain injury (TBI) is very common. TBI occurs due to variety of reasons like Motor vehicle accidents, Sports injuries, Falls etc. Treatment of depression in TBI is challenging. We are presenting real case of a 56 yo woman. ...
have ignored thevasthuman dimension ofbattle.' Unfortunately, theirown attempt to bringto life the 'battlefield behaviour' of ordinary Canadian soldiers in the SecondWorld War fallssomewhat shortof the mark. Batt/e Exhaustion carefully documents howtheCanadian armybrass andCanadian medical mendealtwith...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that falls into three subtypes: inattentive type, hyperactive type, and combined type. Those with an inattentive type are prone … What Could it Mean if I’m Having Changes in Mood? What Kind of Changes in Mood Can You Have? Most...