At NC Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities, we strive to meet our clients where they are emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The treatment of mental and emotional disorders through the use of psychological techniques designed to encourage communication of conflicts and insight into problems, with the goal being relief of symptoms, changes in behavior leading to improved social and vocational functioning, and personality growth....
Court of Appeals ruled in September, 2016, that third party administrators of health care insurance plans (such as UnitedHealthcare) can be sued for allegedly illegally restricting plan members' access to residential and outpatient treatment. The ruling allows such allegations to be pursued as class...
Court of Appeals ruled in September, 2016, that third party administrators of health care insurance plans (such as UnitedHealthcare) can be sued for allegedly illegally restricting plan members' access to residential and outpatient treatment. The ruling allows such allegations to be pursued as class...
Court of Appeals ruled in September, 2016, that third party administrators of health care insurance plans (such as UnitedHealthcare) can be sued for allegedly illegally restricting plan members' access to residential and outpatient treatment. The ruling allows such allegations to be pursued as class...