We use health insurance billing data from 83,986 patients with a total of 687,697 ICD-10 coded diseases. The results of our research are as follows: (i) on average, an accuracy of 0.6 (F1-score 0.58) with a precision of 0.61 and recall of 0.56 was achieved using auto-sklearn. (ii...
The evaluation EVA64 is the largest scientific evaluation of its kind in the psychiatric field in Germany. Our analyses are based on data from more than 70 SHI funds and on more than 36,000 patients, each with an observation period of three years (one year before plus two years after stud...
The study population was limited to patients who had access to treatment within the NYU health care system and received testing and evaluation. Mortality risk was increased in those with recent documentation of a mood disorder after demographic adjustment, suggesting that stage of illness (acute vs ...
Some of these databases are long established, such as the Swedish population-based registers; while the expansion of Medicaid, and the requirement for billing with ICD-codes, combined with incentives for “meaningful use” of information technology [52], has led to large accumulations of new ...
In addition, an MCU may conduct an evaluation at a range of locations in the community, including a patient’s home or another private residence, inpatient medical unit, outpatient office, residential program, school, location associated with law enforcement or the court system, or another ...
Intensive Alternative Family Treatment (IAFT®) is an enhanced therapeutic foster care program that serves children and youth at risk for entry into a
being discharged to home after an acute hospitalization after the stroke was a protective factor against PSD. One caveat of the study [19] was its reliance on ICD diagnostic codes identified through Medicare billing that is different than clinical diagnosis of an anxiety or mood disorder. ...
dental health services; special care dentistry; disability evaluation; mental disorders; autism spectrum disorder; oral health1. Introduction At the end of 2021, 7.8 million individuals with severe disabilities were residing in Germany [1]. Of these, 198,325 people (2.5%) were under the age of...