为揭示人类大脑的单细胞水平的基因调控和表达如何导致神经精神系统重大疾病,美国NIMH (国立精神卫生研究院) 资助的PsychENCODE联盟(注1)发布了2.0版本的研究成果 (即PsychENCODE2),于2024年5月24日在Science杂志以9篇长文背靠背的形式发表了重磅研究论文...
这使得识别基因调控序列变异影响的任务在生物学上复杂且技术上要求很高。 为了应对这些挑战,PsychENCODE联盟于2015年成立,作为一个多地点、多研究者的努力,旨在生成人类大脑中基因调控的多层数据。目前的PsychENCODE2收集为识别在不同发育和成年阶段调节大脑基因表达的基因组区域提供了资源。这些研究分析了从胎儿组织、健康成...
研究利用PsychENCODE项目(详见今日BioArt头条:9篇Science丨PsychENCODE2——单细胞解码精神疾病大脑)的2160份成人死后前额叶皮层样本的转录组数据,对精神分裂症、自闭症和双相情感障碍进行性别分层的差异疾病表达分析,从转录组的角度, 解密男女在基...
Recently, Science published the latest installment of papers from the PsychENCODE Consortium, a US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-funded collaborative effort to generate genomic data from the brains of both neurotypical individuals and those with neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism ...
Recent research on disparate psychiatric disorders has implicated rare variants in genes involved in global gene regulation and chromatin modification, as well as many common variants located primarily in regulatory regions of the genome. Understanding p
The PsychENCODE project aims to produce a public resource of multidimensional genomic data using tissue- and cell type–specific samples from approximately 1,000 phenotypically well-characterized, high-quality healthy and disease-affected human post-mortem brains, as well as functionally characterize ...
PsychENCODE and beyond: transcriptomics and epigenomics of brain development and organoids 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 25 作者:A Jourdon,S Scuderi,D Capauto,A Abyzov,FM Vaccarino 摘要: Crucial decisions involving cell fate and connectivity that shape the distinctive development of the human brain...
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroneuro.2019.07.091Get rights and contentAccess through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization References (0) Cited by (0)View full text ...
Science | 揭示PTSD和MDD的分子病理学 《Science》刊登PsychENCODE联盟论文专题,本文阐述PTSD和MDD中相同和特异的大脑多组学分子失调。#science正刊 #生命科学 #PTSD - 世界生命科学大会于20240528发布在抖音,已经收获了5.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!