美[ˌsaɪkəˈdiliə] 英[ˌsaɪkəˈdiːliə] n.迷幻艺术 网络迷幻风潮;致幻药;迷幻摇滚 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 psychedelia n. 1. (迷幻药物作用下创作的)迷幻音乐,迷幻艺术,迷幻文化music, art, fashion, etc. that is created as a result of the effects of psychede...
现货原版 New Psychedelia 新迷幻 雷夫·波达伊斯基艺术作品 The Art of Leif Podhajsky 设计艺术作品集Tame Impala专辑设计师 发货地:广东 广州 去天猫购买 赐宏图书专营店 进入天猫店铺 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请联系天...
(Art Terms) (functioning as singular or plural) psychedelic objects, dress, music, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
艺术的发生 Art Can Help 罗伯特·亚当斯 穿过尘世闪耀的光 ¥70.4 论照片:如何读懂一幅摄影作品 ¥99 弗洛伊德论美 ¥49.8 穿墙透壁:剖视中国经典古建筑(增订版) ¥179 龙之国的传说:波士顿美术博物馆藏唐宋元书画 普装版(两卷本) ¥544 著名的无名者 ¥134.3 王羲之:六朝贵族的世界 [日...
“I’ve looked at op art, pattern and decoration. I’ve looked at psychedelia, I have taken part in rave culture and queer culture and drag and the whole spectrum,” Gibson said. FromSeattle Times Two singles —” Just Another Rainbow” and “Mars To Liverpool” — mix rock ‘n’ roll...
【英】The Times发行首专Pop Goes Art 乐队主脑Ed Ball ,来自Television Personalities。他们同时是摩登族回潮在当时的代表乐队之一。 这张专辑主题上还是车库独立、Power Pop为主的味道,迷幻味不重。后面作品也不错,但除了吉他有点点jangle味,总体上还是Power Pop,就不多介绍了。 这个团有个衍生的正宗新迷幻团,Tee...
Psychedelia is defined in the dictionary as "the realm or artifacts of psychedelic drugs, art, writings, or the like". This means that anything associated withLSD,magic mushrooms,DMT, psychedelic art, acid rock, the psychedelic experience, or anything remotely related to the use or influence of...
The exhibition "New Psychedelia," held at The University of Queensland Art Museum in Brisbane, Queensland, is also noted.EBSCO_AspArt & Australia
slightly dented scrap metal on which the artist has painted three squares, each containing Op art-style black and white parallel lines swirling into vanishing points. This abstraction sits in marked contrast to the realism of the goblet – and indeed the other work in this room – but tees up...
whole life to live down his reputation as the most hated man in America for his work with Joseph McCarthy and the House Unamerican Affairs Committee (HUAC), fleeing to self-imposed exile in England in the Sixties, where he immersed himself in the worlds of avant garde art, music and ...